Gif Live Wallpaper is the tool you have been looking for! Hands down, it is the easiest gif wallpaper maker to use.
Steps to make your simple wallpaper!
Step 1 - Open app.
Step 2 - click on Setect gif.
Step 3 - Select desired gif from your phone .
Step 4 - Click Preview then Apply and you have an animated gif wallpaper!
papel de parede animado GIF animado - Lite dose not need root access , User can select any Gif image from phone Gallery and set as live wallpaper on there home screen
App feature
-Set GIF as a wallpaper
-Set Video as a wallpaper (paid feature)
-Set Image as a wallpaper
-NO Root access
-Small size of APK(3MB)
-Stop automatically when user not on home screen or screen is lock to save battry.